

FRI 25/08
23:00 – CLOSE

Alejandro Franco
Juan Sanchez

About the artists


By not taking usual paths and knowing his inner self, it all felt natural for Ignez to devote more of his life to electronic music. His roots are in between dust of sand and waves of saltwater. Ignez grew up near the north coast of The Netherlands where hypnotizing waves and infinitive sand dunes shaped his sound. He fled the conservative world by sketching his own reality with these elements of nature. This became inextricably linked within his consciousness and reflects back into his music today, bringing a tight yet indefinable techno sound. In his DJ sets, Ignez lifts the dancefloor to a higher state of being and a collective oceanic feeling.


Hitam is an Amsterdam based DJ/Producer and Eerste Communie resident. At the age of sixteen he became interested in producing electronic music. Being influenced by various subgenres within this music style, he developed an interest in dance floor oriented and experimental electronic music. His sound is groovy, textural and atmospheric. His inspiration comes from art, nature, random sounds and parties. As Eerste Communie continues to amaze the techno community around the world, we are very excited to welcome these artists to the Shelter booth for a resident night curated by Juan Sanchez.