About the artists
Having grown up in South Africa on a staple diet of Dire Straits, Tina Turner & Bryan Adams, Digby Smith had to find his own way musically. Playing in bands for many years, and having spent the best part of a decade as an engineer in landmark London studios, he is known as a deft practitioner of analogue sound. An Obsessive vinyl collector across genres, he is fast becoming known for his esoteric sets and bold selection. Alex & Digby’s experimental imprint FLASH AS A RAT is a vent of continual eccentricity, and has garnered wide scale underground support. After the tragic passing of his brother Alex, Digby continues the legacy they built together.
Ion Ludwig
Ion possesses one of those unique stories of starting at such an early age, he was producing electronic music at the age of 17, having his first release out at 21. Now, over 10 years on, his name continues to echo the representation of pure quality music, one which also shows that having a background as a musician certainly contributes greatly to such talent, dedication and wide recognition. On stage his live performances take place with the eye and ear set on the musical ‘horizon’. Combining drum machines and synthesizers with a laptop and recordings from older and newer work his sound radiates a never-ending story and energy.